
With the fast development of wearable IoT devices, their applications are becoming more and more pervasive, ranging from social networking, payment, and navigation to health and activity monitoring. The security of the communication between these devices is essential to protect the transmitted sensitive information from tampering and eavesdropping. With the integration of accelerometers into wearable IoT devices, the gait-based biometric cryptography technology has emerged as a data securing tool for wearables. This article proposes a lightweight noise-based group key generation method, which utilizes the noise signals imposed on the raw acceleration signals to generate an M-bit key with high randomness and bit generation rate. Moreover, a signed sliding window coding (SSWC)-based common feature extraction method was designed to extract the common feature for sharing the generated M-bit key among devices worn on different body parts. Finally, a fuzzy vault-based group key distribution system was implemented and evaluated using a public data set. The performed comprehensive analysis of the proposed key generation and distribution method proved that the binary keys generated via the introduced noise-based procedure have high entropy and can pass both the NIST and Dieharder statistical tests with high efficiency. The experimental results obtained prove the robustness of the proposed SSWC-based common feature extraction method in terms of the similarity and discriminability of intra- and inter-class features, respectively.

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