
The traditional production of linear material and hybrids in the selection of red beet is a time-consuming, long-term process due to the two - year cycle of plant development, self-and cross-incompatibility, inbred depression. Significantly reduce the life cycle of the plant allows the vernalization at different stages of development, including during the "steckling". Cultivation of plants with the use of steckling culture in the selection of red beet has not yet found wide application and has not been studied enough, in this regard, in 2009-2018 on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Federal Scientific Vegetable Center”. The material of the study was inbred offspring I 1-5 , which were studied in several series of independent experiments using different schemes of growing stecklings and roots (one-year and biennial cycles). It is shown that the use of culture of steckling and protected ground for breeding schemes to create lines of red beet is advisable, as it accelerates the process of evaluating the heterogeneity of inbred progenies for earliness, index, root, the manifestation of cytoplasmic sterility, and also allows you to get a wider range of different inbred forms due to the high variability in the offspring. The probability of a valuable fully-sterile ms-forms higher in the group of early maturing plants with a large mass stecklings and promising self-compatibility mf-lines - among small fractions of mid and late inbred offspring. The continuous use of steckling culture should be recommended only for the preliminary evaluation of breeding material on sign of cytoplasmic sterility, followed by the reproduction of selected promising inbred offspring in the open field ("halves method"), and at later stages of the breeding process as a rapid assessment of crossing combinations on sign of cytoplasmic sterility when checking mf-forms on the fixing ability. The alternation of the culture of stecklings with the traditional biennial cycle of culture in conjunction with the techniques of recurrent selection and use of different backgrounds (field, greenhouse), can improve the performance of the selection and get aligned according to the main economic-important signs of promising inbred offspring in a shorter period of time.

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