
<p>The lower and middle solar corona up to about 30 solar radii is thought to be an important region for early acceleration and transport of solar energetic particles (SEPs) by coronal mass ejection-driven shock waves. There, these waves propagate into a highly variable dynamic medium with steep gradients and rapidly expanding coronal magnetic fields, which modulates the particle acceleration near the shock/wave surfaces, and the way SEPs spread into the heliosphere. We present a study modeling the acceleration of SEPs in over 50 separate global coronal shock events between 1 and 30 solar radii. As part of the SPREAdFAST framework project, we analyzed the interaction of off-limb coronal bright fronts (CBF) observed with the SDO/AIA EUV telescope with realistic model coronal plasma based on results from synoptic magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) and differential emission measure (DEM) models. We used realistic quiet-time proton spectra observed near Earth to form seed suprathermal populations accelerated in our diffusive shock acceleration model (Kozarev & Schwadron, 2016). We summarize our findings and present implications for nowcasting SEP acceleration and heliospheric connectivity.</p>

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