
We investigate a transformation of a magnetic field and plasma in nonhomogeneous magnetospheres of collapsing stars with a dipole initial magnetic field and certain initial energy distributions of particles in the magnetosphere as the power low, relativistic Maxwell and Boltzmann. The betatron mechanism of the charged particles acceleration in a collapsing star’s magnetosphere is considered. When a magnetized star is compressed in the stage of the gravitational collapse, the magnetic field increases strongly. This variable magnetic field generates a vortical electric field. Our calculations show that this electric field will accelerate charged particles up to relativistic velocities. Thus, collapsing stars may be sources of high energy cosmic rays in our galaxy as in others. The acceleration of particles during the collapse happens mostly in polar regions of the magnetosphere that leads to polar relativistic streams (jets) formation. When moving in a magnetic field, these particles will generate nonthermal electromagnetic radiation in a broad electromagnetic wavelength band from radioto gamma rays. Thus, in the stage of the gravitational collapse, relativistic jets are formed in stellar magnetospheres. These jets are powerful sources of the nonthermal electromagnetic radiation.

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