
We report the results of a series of experiments to test the utility of acceleration data-loggers for determining the energy expenditure of juvenile hammerhead sharks ( Sphyrna lewini). In one experiment, three sharks were instrumented with miniature acceleration data-loggers and swum in a Brett-style respirometer at a range of speeds. For all three sharks, significant linear relationships were obtained between mean oxygen consumption (M ·o 2) and Partial Dynamic Body Acceleration in the lateral and dorso-ventral axes (PDBA y, z ) with high predictive power ( r 2 > 0.71). In a second experiment, PDBA was measured for sharks swimming freely in circular tanks. The free-swimming sharks exhibited wide ranges of PDBA y, z ; routine swimming was characterised by low PDBA y, z (0.01–0.12 g) whereas unsteady swimming, (especially fast-start swimming of > 1 g) was characterised by high PDBA y, z . Despite initial evidence of linearity in the oxygen consumption vs. PDBA relationship, incorporating previous estimates of standard metabolic rate of hammerhead sharks suggests a non-linear fit. Further work is needed to establish the exact shape of the relationship beyond the narrow range of speeds that hammerhead pups could be exercised in this study, particularly the low swimming speeds which are frequently observed in free-swimming animals.

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