
AbstractAn algorithm that accelerates the convergence of the iterative optimization of the complete active space self‐consistent field (CASSCF) wavefunction so as to find a optimum solution in fewer macroiterations is described. The algorithm is oriented to large‐scale CASSCF problems that are to be solved with a combination of density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method for the configuration interaction (CI) process. The algorithm is based on the alternating (or two‐step) CASSCF optimization in which the CI and molecular orbital (MO) parameters are optimized separately. Convergence ratio is improved by finding further optimized MOs from a linear extrapolation of the MO sets of the iteration history. The acceleration results in fewer diagonalizations in a total CASSCF calculation to save a considerable computational cost. The convergence performance is examined in a couple of realistic applications on SiC3 and poly(phenyl)carbenes. For poly(phenyl)carbenes, the large‐size CASSCF calculations with CAS(30e,30o) that entails full π valence space as well as sp2 orbital space of carbenes are performed by using the practical implementation of DMRG‐CASSCF in conjunction with the acceleration technique. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Quantum Chem, 2009

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