
One of the key objectives of regenerative medicine is the design of skin tissue engineering scaffolds to promote wound healing. These scaffolds provide a fresh viewpoint on skin injury repair by emulating body tissues in their structure. A suitable platform for cellular processes can be provided by natural scaffolds made from decellularized tissues while retaining the primary components. Resveratrol (RES), which has qualities like angiogenesis, antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory, is also useful in the healing of wounds. In this investigation, RES-loaded decellularized sheep pericardium scaffolds were created and tested on full-thickness wounds in a mouse model. According to the in vivo findings, the groups in which the wound was treated with decellularized pericardium (DP) had better wound healing than the control group and showed more production of angiogenic and anti-inflammatory substances. The secretion of these factors was greater in RES-loaded decellularized pericardium (DP-RES) than in the scaffold without RES, and the macroscopic and histological data supported this. Therefore, the use of decellularization scaffolds with substances like RES for the regeneration of skin wounds can be further researched and evaluated in the preclinical stages.

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