
In this paper, we present an accelerated numerical method based on random projection for sparse linear regression. Previous studies have shown that under appropriate conditions, gradient-based methods enjoy a geometric convergence rate when applied to this problem. However, the time complexity of evaluating the gradient is as large as $\mathcal{O}(nd)$, where $n$ is the number of data points and $d$ is the dimensionality, making those methods inefficient for large-scale and high-dimensional dataset. To address this limitation, we first utilize random projection to find a rank-$k$ approximator for the data matrix, and reduce the cost of gradient evaluation to $\mathcal{O}(nk+dk)$, a significant improvement when $k$ is much smaller than $d$ and $n$. Then, we solve the sparse linear regression problem via a proximal gradient method with a homotopy strategy to generate sparse intermediate solutions. Theoretical analysis shows that our method also achieves a global geometric convergence rate, and moreover the sparsity of all the intermediate solutions are well-bounded over the iterations. Finally, we conduct experiments to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method.

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