
This paper addresses the cost saving and schedule saving approach to requirements verification being used on the Air Force Subscale Aerial Target (AFSAT) program. The BQM-167A unmanned aircraft is a jet powered, highly maneuverable, multi-role UAV that is currently being supplied to the USAF as a subscale target used to simulate enemy aircraft and missile threats. Production aircraft must be fielded in 2005 to avoid an inventory shortfall; therefore, the desire to accelerate production aircraft availability created a need to validate the system’s performance in a compressed time frame. Comprehensive wind tunnel testing and extremely accurate component models were used to develop a highly accurate flight simulation providing accurate system performance throughout the flight envelope. The simulator will augment the flight test demonstration by providing performance information in areas where a series of flights would be required to completely demonstrate the vehicle’s capabilities. A 2-phase, 12-flight program will be used to verify that system requirements are met and the flight envelope is adequately defined to proceed with production. The first 6 flights will validate the simulation accuracy using linear and nonlinear Autopilot Dynamic Response tests throughout the flight envelope. Additionally, the first 6 flights will demonstrate the Key Performance Parameters and other specific performance requirements for the system. The following 6 flights and associated simulation work will define the operational envelope and provide operational system experience for the operation and maintenance personnel. This flight test program will be started in October 2004 and is scheduled for completion in April 2004.

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