
In distributed key-value stores, multiple replica servers are always available for each key-value access operation when the eventual consistency model is employed. Accordingly, the completion times of the key-value access operations generated by an end-user request at different servers may be of great difference, especially when the replica servers are heterogeneous and have time-varying performance. Accordingly, the replica selection algorithm is crucial to cut the response time of end-user requests. The main challenge of making replica selection for each light-weighted key-value access operation is to timely know the status of replica serves. Recently, the adaptive replica selection algorithm C3 suggests guiding the replica selection with the piggybacked information of replica server in the returned “value”. Although C3 has good performance, the poor timeliness of feedback information makes a large performance gap between C3 and the ideal replica selection algorithm. To narrow this gap, the Accelerated Information Dissemination (AID) mechanism is proposed in this paper. Specifically, AID removes the bottleneck of information dissemination at the “slow” servers by letting both “client” and “replica server” store the records about the status of replica servers and both “key” and “value” piggyback multiple records. AID is implemented in Cassandra and evaluated by experiments and large scale simulations. The results show AID can significantly improve the timeliness of feedback information, especially when the number of nodes is large. Accordingly, AID helps C3 to greatly reduce the latency.

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