
Abstract It is shown that holographic cosmology implies an evolving Hubble radius $c^{-1}\dot{R}_{\rm H} = -1 + 3\Omega _{\rm m}$ in the presence of a dimensionless matter density Ωm scaled to the closure density 3H2/8πG, where c denotes the velocity of light and H and G denote the Hubble parameter and Newton's constant. It reveals a dynamical dark energy and a sixfold increase in gravitational attraction to matter on the scale of the Hubble acceleration. It reproduces the transition redshift zt ≃ 0.4 to the present epoch of accelerated expansion and is consistent with (q0, (dq/dz)0) of the deceleration parameter q(z) = q0 + (dq/dz)0z observed in Type Ia supernovae.

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