
This paper details about the implementation of the Finite Difference Time Domain Method (FDTD) on a Graphical Processing Unit (GPU) and demonstrated the ability of low cost GPU’s to accelerate real life problems of interest in the Electromagnetic Field Simulation domain. Source code and the achieved results for a simple simulation problem implemented in C is presented. The same problem is then discussed by implementation using Nvidia’s software development platform CUDA. The methodology for implementation of some advanced FDTD simulation problems is also described, and the achieved results are presented using both, CUDA and MatLab R2011a. Finally, a comparative performance analysis of the FDTD implementation using CUDA for a 256x256x256 volume is described for 5000 time steps, by comparing the CPU implementation time with the GPU implementation time. This is a reasonably good example for judging the applicability of low cost GPU’s not just for Electromagnetic Simulation, but also for real time applications.

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