
The association between acanthamoeba keratitis and the use of soft contact lenses is firmly established. Despite alerts and warnings, education of eye-care professionals and patients, and identification of risk factors that are associated with the use of soft contact lenses, acanthamoeba keratitis remains a threat. It is presumed that in some cases, the soft contact lens is the vector by which Acanthamoeba is introduced to the cornea. This presumption has spurred concern regarding the efficacy of systems used for the disinfection of soft contact lenses in killing the organism. Many questions have been raised regarding the proficiency of disinfection. These have stemmed from a poor understanding of the interactions among soft contact lenses, soft contact lens paraphernalia, and Acanthamoeba. Another issue to be addressed is the need for standardized testing of the efficacy of contact lens disinfection systems against Acanthamoeba. Only through a concerted and focused effort by eye-care and other concerned health care professionals can these questions be answered.

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