
The authors have argued that doctor of agricultural sciences, professor and academician of Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences V. P. Burkat made a significant contribution to the development of agricultural science in Ukraine as an outstanding scientist in the field of animal breeding, organizer of agricultural research work, public figure. His greatest achievement is development of the conceptual aspects of breed formation in cattle-breeding, which was implemented in creation of a few highly specialized cattle breeds. The scientist is co-author of the first created in Ukraine Ukrainian Red-and-White Dairy, Ukrainian Black-and-White Dairy, Ukrainian Red Dairy, Ukrainian Brown Dairy, Volyn Beef, Polesian Beef, Southern Beef breeds and their structural units (interbreed types, lines and families).
 The article shows that the scientist substantiated the feasibility of comprehensive genetic monitoring as one of the main conditions in creating new and improving existing breeds of cattle. He developed biotechnological and genetic principles of farm animal breeding. He laid foundation of a new comprehensive science – biotech breeding, identified the main components of its structural status and applied new theoretical approaches to the selection process, taking into account the practical use of biotechnological methods. The scientist first raised ethical, social and legal aspects of introduction of biotechnology in agriculture.
 V. P. Burkat`s achievement is development of the theory of conservation of the gene pool of farm animals. He initiated development of concept of gene objects creation and placing, defined their purpose in the system of conservation of the farm animal breeding resources. He explained importance of the gene pool banks as the main link of farm animal conservation.
 The authors have proven that scientific heritage of academician V. P. Burkat didn`t lose its importance and relevance in the current development of animal husbandry. Some parts of it, including the theory of breed creation; methodical bases of management of breed genealogy; theory of consolidation of breed units; bases of breeding, evaluation and sustainable use of sires; genetic, biotechnological and technological bases of selection; methods of conservation and sustainable use of animal gene pool should be used as a theoretical and methodological basis for development of further strategies in cattle breeding.
 Academician V. P. Burkat is prominent organizer of agricultural research work in animal husbandry of Ukraine. He made significant efforts to obtain status of main methodological and coordination center of agriculture of Ukraine by Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences. Almost 30 years he devoted to the establishment of branch guidance and coordination center – Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics. One of the most important achievements of scientist was organization of scientific school "Breeding and Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry" at Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics in 1980. His disciples are famous scientists, including academicians of NAAS M. Baschenko, V. Ladyka, Yu. Melnik, corresponding members of the NAAS S. Ruban, S. Kovtun, doctor of agricultural sciences A. Havruk, V. Antonenko, S. Voitenko, A. Dubin, V. Smetanin, V. Dzitsyuk, Yu. Polupan, K. Kopylov and others.
 The article shows that V. P. Burkat is known public figure who defended the national idea at all levels of exposure, as a co-founder of the historical-biographical series "Ukrainian Agrarian Scientists of the Twentieth Century", initiator of a number of encyclopedic, reference and bibliographic publications, editor of scientific journals, author of fundamental scientific generalizing papers and others.


  • The life and research directions of doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, academician V


  • Член Науково-технічної ради Міністерства аграрної політики і продовольства України, голова ради із захисту докторських та кандидатських дисертацій при Інституті розведення і генетики тварин УААН та ін

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The life and research directions of doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, academician V. P. BURKAT – RECOGNIZED SCIENTIST IN ANIMAL BREEDING, AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE ORGANIZER, PUBLIC FIGURE У розвиток аграрної науки в Україні другої половини ХХ – початку ХХІ століть визначальний внесок зробив доктор сільськогосподарських наук, професор, академік УААН, двічі лауреат Державної премії України в галузі науки і техніки Валерій Петрович Буркат (1939–2009).

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