
The object of this research is the historical role of academic community in cognition and development of northern Russian territories. The subject of this research is the information value of the Arctic diaries of microbiologist B. L. Isachenko in the context of scientific development of Arctic territories in the early XX century. Detailed analysis is conducted B. L. Isachenko;s Artic diary, written in 1930 in the course of expedition in the ice-breaker “Georgiy Sedov”, and its potential scientific application. The authors not only assessed the content of the diary note, but also pursued correlation with the historical context of expedition work in the Arctic during the late XIX – early XX centuries. The conducted analysis is of great interest to the historians of science, as it allows viewing the key milestones of life and creative path of the academician, as well as his contribution to the development of the Arctic. Systemic approach is used analyzing B. L. Isachenko’s Arctic diary in the context of history of Arctic development, as well as political and academic objectives of the country in 1930s. The author examines the field diary of the scholar based on then formation approach for understanding the essence of the document through its informational nature and determining its role in the social and personal space. The novelty of this work consists in introduction into the scientific discourse of the unique archival document, as well as in detailed analysis and citation of the personal diary of B. L. Isachenko, written in 1930 during the Arctic expedition in the ice-breaker “Georgiy Sedov”. The content and emphasis of the document appeared to be more extensive than the scientific tasks solved by academicians in the course of expedition. The conclusion is made that diary of B. L. Isachenko clearly traces two thematic lines: records of external occurrences, and description of the ideas and concerns of the author. There are several factors that define information value of the source (scientific component; detailed breakdown of expedition rout and observations; description of daily routine during the expedition). The author demonstrates the ability to “walk” the Arctic route using diary notes, follow the impressions of the participant, and determine the scientific tasks set by the academician during the expedition.

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