
An analysis of the Bologna Process documents and the legal framework to ensure academic mobility to academic staff and students in Ukraine shows that understanding of the need for further implementation of the below listed: the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) has been achieved at the level of European and national higher education systems; national qualifications frameworks to be compatible with the EHEA Qualifications Framework (2005); the transcript of academic record as well as European and national higher education quality assurance systems. Significant achievements now include: expanding the international academic and student community; appearance of new perspectives of human resources development; improving career chances of graduates; adaptation of educational programs that are not offered by national higher education institutions; harmonization of national and international education quality assurance processes; practical success in creating an open, attractive and competitive EHEA. According to the Paris Communiqué (2018), the priorities in 2018-2020 for evaluating the quality of cooperation in the EHEA, in particular for ensuring academic mobility, are to implement: 1) a three-tier system compatible with the EHEA qualifications framework and the first and second ECTS cycles; 2) adherence to the Lisbon Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications; 3) ensuring the quality of education in accordance with the standards and guidelines of the EHEA.

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