
The primary aim of this study was to develop a reliable and valid tool for evaluating students' academic buoyancy. After the exploratory factor analysis, a structure comprising 26 items and five factors was formed. These factors were identified as commitment, composure, confidence, coordination, and control, collectively explaining 60.20% of the overall variance. CFA was performed, and the fit index values were found as follows: χ2=815.113, df=286, (χ2/ df =2.85), RMSEA=.07, CFI=.88, GFI=.85, IFI=.88. It was concluded that all values obtained from CFA analysis are sufficient to verify the structure. It was also supposed that the 26 items-five factor structure was confirmed as a model. Related to the validity and reliability studies of the scale, the convergent and discriminant validity were checked. Each factor demonstrated Cronbach's alpha coefficients ranging from .90 to .71. After examining all the results, it was found out that the scale is valid and reliable for measuring students' academic buoyancy.

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