
AC Oxley II cicer milkvetch (Astragalus cicer L.) was developed by the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Research Centre, Lethbridge, Alberta. This synthetic cultivar developed for improved seedling vigour and tested as LRC95-93-1 in Western Forage Tests established in 1996 outyielded Oxley, the check cultivar, by 19%. In western Canada, under dryland conditions AC Oxley II produced 23% more dry matter than the Oxley check, while under irrigation the yield advantage was 11%. AC Oxley II is well suited for pasture and hay production in western Canada. The new cultivar produced about 10 percent more seed than Oxley at Lethbridge under irrigated conditions. Key words: Cultivar description, cicer milkvetch, Astragalus cicer L., seedling vigour

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