
I BELIEVE there is some difficulty in accounting for the difference in the distribution of living Foraminifera at the surface of the sea and of deposits of their skeletons at the bottom. As is well known, the abysmal deposits contain no Foraminifera, while the much vaster pelagic deposits consist chiefly of them. The difference in depth has suggested that in the case of the pelagic deposits the free carbonic acid in the water has not had time to dissolve the sinking skeleton, while it has had time before a skeleton can reach the greater depths occupied by the abysmal deposits. But surely if this were the whole truth some effect would have been produced by the time the skeleton had sunk 2000 or 2500 fathoms or even less, so that it ought to be impossible to find, as we do, perfect skeletons in the globigerina ooze.

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