
Large mammals have important roles in the dynamics of Neotropical rainforests. However, their ecology has barely been studied in the forests and tropical forest of southern Mexico. In the present study, we assessed the relative abundance in populations of Baird´s tapir Tapirus bairdii , white-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus , and collared peccary Pecari tajacu , along 246.4 km of linear transects in the buffer area of “La Sepultura” Biosphere Reserve (REBISE), Chiapas, Mexico. We observed 0.998, 0.694 and 0.215 tracks/km of Baird´s tapir white-tailed deer and collared peccary respectively. The present study shows that the La Sepultura Biosphere Reserve, plays an important role for conservation of mastofauna of the area as a refuge in an environment with anthropogenic influence.

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