
Stephen C. Behrendt. “Blake's Illustrations to Milton's Nativity Ode.” Philological QuarterlyJ. N. Brown. “Golding and Milton's Versions of the Death of Orpheus.”Notes and QueriesJoyce Colony. “An Argument for Milton's Dalila.”Yale Review, 66, No. 4 (Summer, 1977), 562‐575.Charles R. Geisst. “Milton and Ambrose on Evil.”Notes and Queries, NS 23 (May‐June, 1976), 233.Robert F. Gleckner. “Blake's Illustration of the Third Temptation in Paradise Regained.” Blake NewsletterRobert F. Gleckner. “Blake's Miltonizing of Chatterton.”Blake NewsletterJack Goldman. “Milton's Intrusion of Abraham and Isaac upon Psalm 114.”Philological Quarterly.Elaine Kauvar. “Los's Messenger to Eden: Blake's Wild Thyme.”Blake NewsletterMaurice Kelley. “Daniel Skinner and Milton's Trinity College Manuscript.”Notes and QueriesMildred Lawson. “Creative and Sexual Energy in Blake's Milton.” American Notes and QueriesMichael Lieb. “‘Holy Place’: A Reading of Paradise Lost.” Studies in English LiteratureJ. J. M. Tobin. “‘Metamorphoses’ XI: An Influence on Milton's ‘Ad Patrem.’”Notes and QueriesDavid M. Vieth. “Pope, Belinda, and Milton: Another Allusion.”Notes and Queries

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