
Abstract Tissue cultures of rabbit liver produced C′6, as previously reported (Immunology, 14: 649, 1968). For further identification of the cell type involved, a tissue culture cell line, derived from a minimal deviation hepatoma (H4 II EC3) and consisting of parenchymal-type cells, was examined for the synthesis of complement components. For this purpose, the cells were cultured for 24 to 72 hr in a medium containing albumin but no other serum proteins in order to avoid contamination with extraneous complement factors. Titration of the media, using C′6 defective rabbit serum as a reagent, showed that these cells produced C′6. Production of C′9 activity was demonstrated, employing EAC′1–8 as the reagent. Evidence for production of complement factors by tissues other than the liver was also obtained. Post-irradiation chimeras, produced by injection of bone marrow from C′5 positive donors (B6AF mice) into C′5 negative recipients (A mice), showed a transient rise in overall C′ activity in their sera, indicating C′5 production by descendants of the grafted cells.

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