
Objective: We investigated if deep learning models are able to define the penumbra and ischemic core by comparing models from two training strategies (with and without pre-training) and clinical thresholding criteria (MRI parameter time-to-peak of the residue function [Tmax] and apparent diffusion coefficient [ADC]). Methods: We selected patients from two multicenter stroke trials, with baseline perfusion-weighted imaging (PWI) and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and 3-7 day T2-FLAIR. Based on reperfusion rate calculated from baseline and 24 hr PWI, patients were grouped into unknown (no 24 hr PWI scan), minimal (≤20%), partial (20%-80%), and major (≥80%) reperfusion. Attention-gated U-net structure was selected for training, with eight image channels from baseline PWI/DWI as inputs and the infarct lesion manually segmented on T2-FLAIR as ground truth. Two training strategies were used: (1) training two models separately in minimal and major reperfusion patients; (2) pre-training a model using patients with partial and unknown reperfusion, then fine-tuning two models using minimal and major reperfusion patients, respectively. Prediction was evaluated by Dice score coefficient (DSC), and lesion volume error at an optimal threshold. In minimal and major reperfusion patients, the deep learning models and Tmax and ADC thresholding were compared using paired sample Wilcoxon test. Results: 182 patients were included (85 males, age 65±16 yrs, baseline NIHSS 15 IQR 10-19), with a breakdown of minimal/major/partial/unknown reperfusion status of 32/65/43/42 patients, respectively. The pre-training approach performed the best among all approaches (Table 1, Figure 1). Conclusion: Deep learning models to predict penumbra and ischemic core are best trained using general pre-training on a wide range of stroke cases followed by fine-tuning on the extreme cases. This method outperforms conventional DWI-PWI mismatch inspired thresholding approaches.

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