
Background: Eastern North Carolina (ENC) stroke mortality is 12 percent higher than the rest of the state. Often, geographical and sociological barriers prevent people residing in our rural communities from seeking routine health care. Stroke risk factors are known. The purpose of this initiative is to reduce the stroke prevalence and mortality in ENC through community risk factors screening and education. Methods: Medical center volunteers’ staff the screening and volunteer hours are recorded in a community benefit database. Each participant completes a standardized evidenced based assessment. Information collected at each screening includes demographic data, cardiovascular history, knowledge of stroke/transient ischemia signs and symptoms. Clinical metrics obtained are finger stick for random lipid panel and blood glucose, body mass index, hip to waist ratio and carotid bruit screen. Based on the screening results, education, recommendations and referrals are reviewed with every participant. Results: From 2007-2010 the screening volume doubled. In 2011, there was a reduction in screening volume as our system hospitals expanded their community stroke outreach efforts. Approximately 4900 community screenings have been conducted from 2007-2011. Elevated blood pressure and cholesterol respectively are most frequently occurring stroke risks factor found, which is consistent with national trends. Stroke mortality has decreased in the region while transient ischemia attack admissions volume has increased at our certified primary stroke center and regional referral center. Conclusions: In conclusion, primary and secondary prevention through community outreach education, risk factors screening and regional collaboration has made a difference. The region has seen a decrease in stroke prevalence and mortality in ENC. Further reduction is necessary to continue to make an even greater impact. Future directions for the stroke risk factor identification screening is to further integrate community efforts and seeks grant opportunities to establish stroke prevention and management clinics throughout the region.

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