
Purpose: Limited research is available for exercise prescription during the subacute stage of stroke recovery. Peak and submaximal cardiorespiratory response during exercise testing in sub-acute stroke has also not been extensively studied. We assessed the hypothesis that an eight-week aerobic exercise intervention at moderate-high intensity would improve cardiorespiratory response during submaximal and peak effort in sub-acute stroke. Methods: Ten individuals (68.6+40.1 days post-stroke) enrolled in the study and 9 participants completed the exercise intervention. The nine participants were 61.2+4.7 years of age with a total Fugl-Meyer score, 102.2+30.4. Peak exercise testing was done at baseline and post-intervention to assess oxygen consumption (VO2), HR and minute ventilation (VE). A seated stepper was the mode of exercise with exercise intensity at 50-59% of HR reserve (first 4 weeks) and then increased to 60-69% of HR reserve for the last 4 weeks. Paired t-tests were used to assess differences at peak effort. Submaximal performance on the exercise test was assessed using an analysis of variance, with Test Minute (minutes 1-6) and Study Visit (baseline, post-exercise) as within subject factors. P-values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: At peak effort, VO2, HR and VE were higher post-intervention but only VO2 peak was statistically significant. During submaximal effort, we found VO2 and HR to be lower after the exercise intervention. For VO2 there was no interaction (F5,40=0.95, p=0.40) between Study Visit and Test Minute but we report a main effect of Study Visit (F1,8=8.5, p=0.02). There was not a significant interaction for HR between Study Visit and Test Minute (F5,40=0.28, p=0.92). Nor was there a main effect of Study Visit (F1,8=2.7, p=0.14). VE increased similarly across Test Minute and Study Visits. No interaction of Study Visit and Test Minute were evident nor was there a main effect of Study Visit. Conclusion: This preliminary data demonstrates that an 8-week aerobic exercise intervention shows promise for improving peak and submaximal cardiorespiratory response in sub-acute stroke.

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