
Introduction: Average national dropout rates of participants enrolled in a research trial are reported to be 30%. Factors contributing to loss of stroke patient retention include the lack of understanding of study expectations, lack of relationship building between patient and clinical research team, and inefficient management processes. There has been little research into interventions to improve retention. Focusing on these 3 factors may increase the likelihood of stroke patients adhering to and completing participation in stroke trials. The University of Utah Stroke Center became a StrokeNet regional coordinating center in October 2013. As study trials increased, we recognized the need to implement new trial management strategies and did so in January 2016. Methods: Stroke trial metrics were compared between the pre-implementation period (7/1/2012 - 12/31/2015) and a post-implementation period (1/7/2016 - 7/1/2019). The size of clinical research team personnel remained the same across the two periods: 4 coordinators and 9 physicians. Standardization of enrollment processes in stroke trials occurred during the post-implementation period. Three key aspects addressed in the post-implementation period were building rapport, setting realistic expectations, and properly educating patient and family members. The clinical research team incorporated these factors when approaching patients regardless of type of stroke trial (acute, subacute, or observational). Results: During the pre-implementation period, the Stroke Center research team managed 8 stroke studies with 52 patients consented with average trial duration of 23 months (SD); in the post-implementation period, there were 15 studies with 99 patients consented, with average trial duration of 22 months (SD). Retention improved after the intervention from a mean (SD) retention rate of 79.5 (29.7) %. to 90.8 (17.2) %. Although this difference was not significant, it represented meaningful change to the research staff and helped us achieve StrokeNet retention goals. Conclusion: Implementation of effective management strategies leads to higher retention rates of stroke patients despite no change in the size of the clinical research team.

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