
Objective: CT-perfusion (CTP) has revolutionised stroke care by improving diagnostic accuracy and expanding eligibility to acute therapies. Software packages utilise various mathematical techniques to transform raw perfusion data into measures of infarct core and ischaemic penumbra. These techniques have been derived from studies of anterior-circulation stroke and not yet validated in posterior circulation stroke (PCS). We examined the optimal CTP thresholds for acute PCS. Methods: Data were analysed from 331-patients diagnosed with a PCS enrolled in the International-stroke-perfusion-registry (INSPIRE). Twenty-seven-patients with baseline multimodal-CT with occlusion of a large posterior-circulation (PC) artery and follow up diffusion-weighted-MRI at 24-48 hours were included. CTP parametric maps were generated using five different post-processing methods. Receiver-operating-curve analysis was used to determine the optimal perfusion parameter and thresholds. Results: Partial deconvolution was the optimal post-processing method for characterisation of ischaemic penumbra and infarct core. Mean transit time (MTT) at a threshold of >165% and >195% most accurately defined ischaemic core (AUC=0.73) and penumbra (AUC=0.78) respectively. Post-processing technique influenced accuracy of core (AUC range=0.54-0.73) and penumbra (AUC range=0.72-0.79) estimates. MTT was consistently the most accurate parameter at distinguishing core and penumbra across all post-processing methods. Conclusion: CTP has significant diagnostic utility in PCS. Accuracy of CTP varies considerably by post-processing method. The underlying post-processing technique employed by individual software packages should be considered when interpreting the accuracy of ischemic core and penumbra estimates.

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