
Introduction: The impact of a Mobile stroke unit (MSU) on access to Endovascular Thrombectomy (ET) is a pre-specified BEST-MSU sub-study. On the MSU, ET decision-making steps such as CT, neurologic exam, and tPA treatment are completed prior to Emergency Room (ER) arrival. We hypothesized that such pre-ER assessment of potential ET patients on a MSU improves metrics. Methods: BEST-MSU is a prospective comparative effectiveness study of MSU vs Standard Management by Emergency Medical Services (SM). We compared ER door-to-puncture-time (mins, DTPT) among the following groups of MSU and SM patients: all ET patients (ETP), ET patients post-tPA (ETT), and ET patients post-tPA meeting thrombolytic adjudication criteria (ETTA) over the first four years of the study. Results: There were 161 ETP (67 SM, 94 MSU), 140 ETT (55 SM, 85 MSU), and 126 ETTA (50 SM, 76 MSU) patients. DTPT was shorter for MSU patients (ETP 89 vs 99, p=0.01; ETT 93 vs 100, p=0.03; ETTA 93 vs 99.5, p=0.03). From 2015 to 2018, DTPT decreased at a faster rate for SM compared with MSU-managed patients, improving by about an hour (Figure). Conclusion: Pre-ER ET evaluation on a MSU results in faster DTPT. Since 2015, dramatic improvement in ER ET metrics has attenuated this difference. However, DTPT of 90-100 mins in all groups indicates substantial room for improvement.

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