
Nonstoichiometric interfacial transition regions located between thermally grown silicon oxide films and silicon substrates have been identified by variation in silicon and oxygen x‐ray photoelectron spectral data.1 Changes in Si 2p binding energies, and line intensities and linewidths of both Si 2p and O 1s photoelectron lines are detected in spectra of oxide films less than 25‐A thick and are each consistent with a silicon‐rich transition region. The composition and width of the nonhomogeneous oxide transition regions in ultrathin, thermally grown silicon oxide films are quantitatively evaluated in the present study using Si 2p binding energy and intensity data.Homogeneous reference films are used to relate Si 2p binding energies with oxygen content of the films. The determination of a mean escape depth for Si 2p photoelectrons from oxide films provides a relationship between Si 2p line intensities and oxide film thickness. Changes in Si 2p binding energies and intensity data are used to identify change...

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