
Background: Pulmonary infection generates arterial thrombi, an important component of which are neutrophil extracellular traps, to defend the host. Pulmonary vein thrombi (PVTs) are underrated compared to arterial thrombi. In 2014, we reported that at least 61% (35 of 57) of elderly patients with chest pain had PVTs, as estimated using cardiac computed tomography (CT), and in 2022, we reported that 98.6% (215 of 218) of senior patients with age-related diseases such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) had PVTs, as evaluated using cardiac CT and transesophageal echocardiography. T2DM is a common disease that can cause atherosclerosis, leading to ischemic stroke and acute myocardial infarction. It is important to better understand the mechanisms of T2DM and how to treat T2DM patients. The relationships between PVTs and T2DM are still unclear. Additionally, the relationships between heparin-warfarin therapy and T2DM are unknown. Methods: We identified PVTs in 15 T2DM patients (73.5 ± 9.9 y.o., range 50 y.o. to 88 y.o.; 10 males and 5 females) using both cardiac CT and transesophageal echocardiography. Among the 15 patients, two did not take DM medications; one took one DM medication; one took two DM medications; five took three DM medications; four took 4 DM medications; one took 5 DM medications; and one was treated with insulin. Results: The PVTs were partially dissolved by standard doses of heparin and warfarin given at the same time for one month. During the treatment, blood glucose levels were examined 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch, dinner and sleep. Between one and two weeks, the blood glucose levels of 10 patients decreased, especially before lunch, and some patients showed symptoms of hypoglycemia; therefore, the number of administered DM medications was decreased to zero for 6 patients and to one for 4 patients. After one month, the patients’ HbA1c levels had decreased slightly. We treated 10 patients with warfarin for the next several months, none of whom needed to resume DM medications, although their blood glucose tended to increase slightly. Three patients with comparatively severe T2DM showed no change in blood glucose following therapy. Conclusions: Heparin-warfarin therapy partially dissolved PVTs and decreased DM medications in patients with mild to moderate T2DM.

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