
Clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) is an essential cellular process for internalizing nutrients and therapeutics at endothelial cell barriers. Studying the formation of cargo containing endocytic vesicles in living cells is challenging due to the limited resolution of fluorescence microscopy and the highly dynamic nature of CME. Moreover, it is currently unknown how the physiological conditions present in vasculature affect CME in endothelial cells. To address this challenge we used a novel microscopy approach, Simultaneous Two-wavelength Axial Ratiometry (STAR), to image vesicle formation dynamics with nanometer axial resolution in living cells. High-throughput analysis revealed that 80% of de novo clathrin accumulations contributed to endocytosis while 20% remained flat, consistent in both human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and our test-bed model green monkey kidney fibroblast-like (Cos-7) cells. We next investigated the interplay between coat curvature and clathrin accumulation in vesicle initiation to identify the mechanism of vesicle formation. Our results support the flexible model of vesicle formation with curvature and clathrin accumulation initiating together at shorter-lived vesicles (<20s) and through a flat-to-curved transition of clathrin lattices at longer-lived vesicles (>20s). Finally, we addressed if physiological conditions present in vasculature alter the dynamics of vesicle formation. We show that increasing osmotic pressure decreased the total number of internalizations but had no impact on the number of flat clathrin accumulations or the mechanism of vesicle formation in Cos-7 cells. In future research, we will test the hypothesis that HUVECs have distinct mechanisms to retain vesicle formation under osmotic pressure or shear stress conditions similar to their native environment. Additionally targeted drug delivery to vascular endothelial cells, for example nanocarriers binding to flat lattices or CCVs leading to different therapeutic outcomes or bioavailability, can potentially be informed by identifying clathrin morphology and dynamics and the mechanisms of endocytosis using STAR microscopy.

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