
Introduction: Hypertension is a significant global public health concern and a leading cause of cardiovascular disease. Despite the availability of numerous pharmacological therapies, many hypertensive patients experience inadequate blood pressure control, medication side effects, or resistance. Thus, non-pharmacological interventions such as Enhanced External Counter pulsation (EECP) have garnered interest as a promising alternative treatment for hypertension.This systematic review aims to evaluate the existing clinical evidence on the efficacy, safety, and underlying mechanisms of EECP as a non-invasive therapy for hypertension. Eligible studies included randomized controlled trials, non-randomized controlled trials, and observational studies. Material and Methods: A comprehensive search of the MEDLINE database was done from March 2002 to March 2023 to identify studies evaluating the use of “EECP in hypertensive patients”. Initially, 31 articles were screened for eligibility, and subsequently, 9 articles met the inclusion criteria, & were thereby included in the review. The inclusion criteria being relevance to the research question, thereby excluding the rest. Results: The review finds that EECP therapy can have beneficial effects on blood pressure control, endothelial function, arterial stiffness, and inflammation in patients with hypertension. The underlying mechanisms of EECP involve enhancing arterial blood flow, improving endothelial function, and reducing peripheral vascular resistance. Although the evidence base for EECP is limited, the available studies suggest that this therapy is safe and well-tolerated, with few adverse effects reported. Conclusions: EECP represents a promising alternative treatment option for hypertension beyond traditional pharmacotherapy. However, further high-quality studies are needed to confirm its efficacy and to identify optimal treatment protocols for different patient populations. Nevertheless, the current evidence suggests that EECP is a valuable addition to the armamentarium of hypertension management strategies.

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