
Aims & Objectives: INTRODUCTION.Postoperative-delirium in primary school age,its origin is multifactorial,in the last decade have been investigated multiple pathophysiological causes of postoperative delirium in pediatric population.Have employed various non-pharmacological approaches to improve cooperation of children during anesthetic induction.Multiple studies have shown that traumatic anesthetic induction has been associated with a higher percentage of postoperative delirium.OBJECTIVE.Assess whether the quality of anesthesia induction is associated with postoperative delirium in pediatric age. Methods MATERIAL AND METHODS.This is a prospective observational study corresponding cohort.They were enter the study school children scheduled for surgery in 2 groups according to the result of the assessment for a second anesthesiologist using a scale with two possible behaviors:Anesthetic Induction non-traumatic(IAnT),Traumatic Anesthetic Induction(IAT).In both groups the child sitting on the operating table for performing anesthesia induction,in all cases, placed the anesthetic protocol was similar.When removing sedation was assessed with the PAED scale:Postoperative soft,vs traumatic postoperative.Continuous variables, categorical variables.Students test and Chi-square test.Association with RR and calculation of incidence in exposed and unexposed.SPSSv.23. Results RESULTS.Were-included-82 schools in immediate postoperative period,divided into 2 groups:IAntTvs IAT.(75%-boys, 25%-girls).IAnT age 9.83 ± 4.0(4–17)vs7.17 ± 2.7 IAT(4–14)p=0.340,anesthetic duration 85.7 ± 39.3 IAnT(30–170)vs 66.2 ± 28.8 IAT(17–115)p=0.099,time to wake up in IAnT 12.72 ± 9.2(3–47)vs14.1 ± 11.6 IAT(4–50)p=0.280,postoperative quality soft in IAnT:RR =0.28(0.71–1.20)vs quality in IAT traumatic pososperatorio RR=2.45(0.99–2.99).CAM level in IAnT 0.92 ± 0.25(0.5–1.5)vs0.93±.21 IAT(0.6–1.3)p=0.830.ASA I-95%.Qx services involved:Orthopedics-46%,General Surgery-31%,19% OTL.Population attributable risk of delirium in-36-cases exposed x100 school children and population attributable risk in unexposed-10-cases x100 school children. Conclusions CONCLUSIONS.In this-study the anesthesia of the Children-Hospital of Tamaulipas service note that preoperative anxiety for traumatic anesthetic induction(IAT)is a factor of risk associated with delirium posoperative

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