
First Meeting, 8th October, 1936.—Dr. G. W. Tyrrell delivered an address on “Flood Basalts and Fissure Eruptions” (see Bulletin Volcanologique, Series II, Tome I, 1936, pp. 89-111). Second Meeting, 12th November, 1936.—The annual reports of the Secretary, Treasurer and Librarian were submitted and adopted, and the following office-bearers were elected: Vice-President: B. H. Barrett. Members of Council: Miss E. D. Currie, H. Priestley and G. W. Tyrrell. Secretaries: W. J. McCallien and R. G. Absalom. Auditors: A. McLean and R. Rogerson, Jun. Dr. G. W. Tyrrell gave a critical summary of a paper by R. W. van Bemmelen entitled “The Cause and Mechanism of Igneous Intrusion: with some Scottish examples.” This paper, which deals with the author’s Undation Theory and its special application to the asthenoliths and batholiths of Scotland, is published in the Transactions of the Society, vol. xix, part 3, pp. 453-492. Mr. J. L. Begg read a short paper on five new species of trilobites from the “Starfish Bed” in the Drummuck Group, Lady Burn, Girvan. These he provisionally referred to either Otarion or Proetus (see Geol. Mag., vol. lxxvi, 1939, pp. 372-382). Third Meeting, 10th December, 1936.—Dr. E. M. Anderson delivered a lecture on “Some Problems in Geological Dynamics” and Dr. W. Q. Kennedy described an occurrence of greenalite-chert in Wigtownshire. The latter paper is published in the Mineralogical Magazine for December, 1936, vol. xxiv, pp. 433-436. Mr. F. Munro exhibited a series of models of Old Red Sandstone fishes. Fourth Meeting, 14th January, 1937.—Professor E. This 250-word extract was created in the absence of an abstract

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