
Abstract In the western Region, colorectal cancer is a leading cause of cancer incidence and mortality with well-documented disparities among the various racial and ethnic groups represented in this Region. Early detection is key to colorectal cancer; and it has the advantage of offering preventive care when polyps are removed during colonoscopy. As a GMaP/BMaP partnership, the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and San Diego State University have been working on building a research hub in Region VI (Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Guam, and American Samoa); to conduct a needs assessment of colorectal cancer and resources to decrease colorectal cancer in the Region. A review of secondary data provided us with information regarding colorectal cancer incidence and mortality among underserved populations in the Region. We also developed and distributed SurveyMonkey questionnaires to community members and academic partners in Region VI. We constructed a needs assessment of colorectal cancer in Region VI and work that was being done to address colorectal cancer. A key finding was that community/academic partnerships are needed to launch activities to control colorectal cancer in the Region. The needs assessment indicates that communities are key partners in activities to reduce the rate of colorectal cancer incidence and mortality. All of the state comprehensive cancer programs in the region are focusing on colorectal cancer. Collaboration between community and academic partners is a promising approach to reduce this disease. Future study will include integrating the GMaP and BMaP supplement pilot projects into the plans for a regional implementation plan address combating this disease. Citation Information: Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2011;20(10 Suppl):B12.

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