
Abstract Cancer cells are often genetically unstable, resulting in aneuploid genomes. The consequences of aneuploidy are poorly understood, but have been suggested to play roles in tumor aggressiveness, chemotherapy resistance, and metastasis. One important route to an aneuploid genome may be through doubling of the genome, leading to unstable tetraploid cells. Many cell division errors are ultimately manifest as a failure of cytokinesis. Especially in cells defective in p53 function, tetraploid cells proliferate, but generate both high rates of whole chromosome aneuploidy and defects in the maintenance of chromosome structural integrity. Our laboratory has demonstrated that, in p53-primary cells, tetraploidy promotes tumor development and the resulting tumors display markedly abnormal genomes (Fujiwara T. et al. Nature 2005, 437: 1043). It is now known that several human cancer-mutations — e.g. Rb loss or loss of the adenomatous polyposis coli tumor suppressor — also predispose cytokinesis failure and tetraploidy. These findings highlight a need to understand in detail the physiological changes that accompany tetraploidy. To gain a comprehensive understanding of physiological alterations associated with tetraploidy in cancer cells, we have established tetraploid cell lines derived from a near diploid human colorectal cancer cell line HCT116. Using these paired tetraploid and diploid cell lines, we have performed a genome-wide RNAi screen to identify genes whose knock down selectively affect the viability of either diploids or tetraploid cells. We are currently validating the result of our ploidy-specific lethality screen and we would like to update our progress at this conference. Citation Information: Cancer Res 2009;69(23 Suppl):A79.

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