
Abstract Introduction The ability for cord blood units (CBUs) to meet the needs of transplant patients in urgent circumstances is a key attribute of this unique cell source. CBUs are cryopreserved, fully characterized, readily available for shipment, and avoid obstacles inherent with fresh cell sources. When patient transplant timelines are pressing and cell source availability and delivery speed takes priority, cord blood is both dependable and reliable. Objectives U.S. cord blood bank (CBB) shipments over five fiscal years (FY2018 – FY2022) were analyzed. The goal of this analysis was to establish a benchmark for CBU delivery speed, volumes, and patterns to inform transplant centers and patients awaiting transplant. Methods Data were categorized by number of days between a CBU order and actual shipment date. Order and shipment categories were: Ultra-urgent (same day), urgent (1-3 days), standard (4-14 days) and routine (15+ days). Results 2,931 shipments of domestic (U.S.) CBUs took place from FY2018 – FY2022. Most shipment requests were shipped within the standard timeframe (n = 1,544 or 53%). Routine shipments (n = 643) came in at 22%, urgent shipments (n = 667) accounted for 23%, and ultra-urgent orders (n = 77) made up 3% of shipment timeframes. In the standard category (4-14 days), 65% of CBUs shipped within the first 4 to 7 days. In the urgent category (1-3 days), 46% (n = 306) of shipments were next day, 2-day shipments represented 31% (n = 209), and 3-day shipments consistently comprised 23% (n = 152) of this category year over year. In 2020, after the initial onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, 29% of all shipments fell within the ultra-urgent or urgent category. Discussion 25% of all U.S CBU shipments were distributed in 3 days or less. 59% were shipped in 7 days or less. 80% of all CBUs analyzed shipped within 14 days, with only 20% of shipped CBUs extending beyond the 14-day mark, most at the TC’s request. These data reinforce the rapid availability of cord blood for patients in need.

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