
Heart disease is accompanied by the accumulation of resident cardiac fibroblasts (CF) that subsequently become myofibroblasts and secrete copious amounts of extracellular matrix (ECM), impeding cardiac function and driving the progression of heart failure. Understanding the mechanisms coordinating CF accumulation and myofibroblast activation may reveal novel therapeutic strategies to block pathologic fibrosis. We recently found that s mall pr oline r ich protein 2b (SPRR2B) drives CF proliferation in response to pathological cues by facilitating MDM2-dependent proteasomal degradation of p53. Surprisingly, although Sprr2b gene deletion or targeted mutation of the USP7/MDM2 interacting domain in mice ( Sprr2b-KO and Sprr2b-USP m , respectively) stimulated the expression of p53-dependent cell cycle arrest genes, mutant animals also developed excessive fibrosis in LV pressure overload. The development of fibrosis in Sprr2b mutant mice was traced primarily to a more robust myofibroblast activation response, providing evidence that CF accumulation and myofibroblast activation may be mutually antagonistic. To investigate the contribution p53 to CF accumulation and fibrosis in mouse heart disease models, we deleted floxed p53 alleles specifically in adult CF using the tamoxifen-inducible Tcf21 MerCreMer mouse line (called p53-CKO). Surprisingly, while p53-CKO animals display exaggerated accumulation of Tcf21 + /PDGFRα + CF in response to left ventricle pressure overload, we observed a biphasic physiological response; initially, p53-CKO animals are resistant to systolic functional decline, only developing more severe fibrosis and functional decline than littermate controls at later time points. Time course studies using primary adult mouse CF revealed that p53 positively correlates with myofibroblast activation, while reduction in p53 levels correlates with accelerated cell cycle and the suppression of myofibroblast activation until the subsequent induction of p16/19 - Rb-mediated cell cycle arrest. Taken together, this study offers detailed insight into the transition of CF from a proliferative to an activated state that may accelerate the development of anti-fibrotic strategies.

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