
Introduction: The incidence of OHCA in the U.S. is high (>350,000); the survival rate is low, about 1 in 10. Less than half of victims receive bystander CPR (39%) or treatment with an AED (6%) before EMS arrival. Consumer research indicates the public’s motivation to learn CPR/AED skills and help in emergencies increases with understanding of CA and the impact of bystander action. Two tested messages resonate most with the public: CPR/AED use can double or triple the chance of survival, and CA can happen to a loved one. Hypothesis: An inclusive national movement of organizations using unified, co-branded and tested messaging in a coordinated, multi-channel social media campaign could improve targeted reach and, over time, public understanding of CA and the importance of bystander action. Creating a gold standard for educational content on CA could improve message retention and motivation to act over time. Methods: We created a movement through consistent messaging in a user-friendly toolkit. We built a landing page (CallPushShock.org) and co-sponsored a social media campaign on CA and the importance of bystander action. We launched the campaign during CPR-AED Awareness Week (June 2018). We invited other organizations to join for SCA Awareness Month (Oct 2018), providing co-branded social media assets (Facebook/Twitter posts, videos, infographic) and posting schedules to all partners. Social media analytics were used to measure the reach of the campaign. Results: The campaign launched in June, attracting 20 partners by October. Combined co-sponsor results for June were: News release: 548,464 headline impressions (PR Web); hashtag (#callpushshock) impressions: 243,345 (Keyhole); FB reach: 86,134; Twitter impressions: 25,107; YouTube views: 351; e-news opens: 4,226 (MailChimp, Constant Contact); landing page: 1,291 users (Google). [ Oct 2018 and June 2019 results in development, reflecting extended partner reach.] Conclusion: A social media campaign, leveraging consumer-tested messaging used by multiple organizations in a unified, consistent movement can be effective in improving targeted reach and educational outcomes. A sustained effort is needed to determine campaign impact in improving public understanding of CA and bystander action over time.

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