
Introduction: Raf kinases lie upstream of ERK1/2 with BRaf being the most highly expressed and having the highest basal activity. V600E BRaf mutations constitutively activate ERK1/2 and are common in cancer. The role of BRaf in the adult heart is yet to be established. ERK1/2 regulate cardiomyocyte gene expression, promoting cardiac hypertrophy and cardioprotection, but effects of ERK1/2 may depend on signal strength. Hypothesis: Our hypotheses are that BRaf is critical in regulating ERK1/2 signaling in cardiomyocytes and, whilst moderate ERK1/2 activity is beneficial, excessive ERK1/2 activity is detrimental to the heart. Methods: We generated heterozygote mice for tamoxifen- (Tam-) inducible cardiomyocyte-specific knockin of V600E in the endogenous BRaf gene. Mice (12 wks) received 2 injections of Tam or vehicle on consecutive days (n=4-10 per group). Kinase activities and mRNA expression were assessed by immunoblotting and qPCR. Echocardiography was performed (Vevo2100). M-mode images (short axis view) were analyzed; data for each mouse were normalized to the mean of 2 baseline controls. Results: V600E knockin did not affect overall BRaf or cRaf levels in mouse hearts, but significantly increased ERK1/2 activities within 48 h (1.51±0.05 fold). Concurrently, mRNAs for hypertrophic gene markers including BNP and immediate early genes (IEGs) increased signficantly. At 72 h, expression of BNP, Fosl1, Myc, Ereg and CTGF increased further, other IEGs (Jun, Fos, Egr1, Atf3) declined, and ANF was upregulated. In contrast, expression of α and β myosin heavy chain mRNAs was substantially downregulated (0.46/0.41±0.05 relative to controls). Within 72 h, left ventricular (LV) mass and diastolic LV wall thickness had increased (1.23±0.05 relative to controls), but cardiac function was severely compromised with significant decreases in ejection fraction and cardiac output (0.53/0.68±0.09 relative to controls) associated with increased LV internal diameters and cardiac volumes. Conclusions: Endogenous cardiomyocyte BRaf is sufficient to activate ERK1/2 in mouse hearts and induce cardiac hypertrophy associated with dynamic temporal changes in gene expression. However, excessive activation of ERK1/2 in isolation is detrimental to cardiac function.

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