
Diabetes is long linked to lowered NAD/NADH ratio, aka NAD redox imbalance, but its causal role to diabetic cardiomyopathy is not established. We used mouse models with latent decrease in cardiac NAD/NADH ratio (cardiac-specific Ndufs4-KO, cKO) and elevated cardiac NAD levels to directly test whether cardiac NAD redox imbalance accelerates diabetic cardiomyopathy. Control and cKO mice were subjected to 8-week T1D stress, and longitudinal cardiac function was measured by echocardiography. Accelerated declines in systolic and diastolic function were observed in T1D cKO mice. Insulin depletion and hyperglycemia were similar in T1D control and T1D cKO mice, and serum metabolomic analyses showed unchanged aqueous and lipid metabolite levels. These metabolite results suggested that T1D control and cKO hearts were stressed under similar diabetic conditions. Importantly, elevation of cardiac NAD levels to attenuate NAD redox imbalance mitigated the accelerated functional declines in T1D cKO hearts. The data from mouse models with manipulated NAD redox states suggested that NAD redox imbalance accelerates diabetic cardiomyopathy. Cardiac fibrosis levels were not different in T1D control and cKO hearts, while transcript levels of fibrotic genes, including Adamts proteinases, integrins, laminins, matrix metalloproteinases and collagens, also showed no difference. Therefore, the accelerated functional declines in T1D cKO hearts are not due to altered extracellular matrix environment, but are rather due to cardiomyocyte dysfunction. We next determined whether the accelerated cardiac dysfunction is mediated via protein acetylation and oxidative stress. NAD-dependent global protein acetylation and inhibitory acetylation of superoxide dismutase 2 were elevated in T1D cKO hearts. Inhibition of SOD2 concomitantly promoted elevation of protein oxidation levels in T1D cKO hearts. The results suggested that NAD redox balance-dependent protein acetylation regulates oxidative stress to promote diabetic cardiomyopathy.

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