
Rationale: In cardiomyocytes, most secreted and membrane proteins are synthesized and folded in the sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum (SR/ER). We previously showed that during myocardial ischemia, decreased oxygen creates a reducing environment in the SR/ER, preventing protein disulfide isomerases (PDIs) from forming disulfide bonds in nascent proteins, causing ER stress, i.e. the toxic accumulation of unfolded proteins which contributes to cardiomyocyte death. In response to ER stress, the transcription factor, ATF6 induces chaperones that restore SR/ER protein folding. We found that ATF6 also induces mesencephalic astrocyte-derived neurotrophic factor (MANF), a recently identified protein of unknown function. MANF is structurally unique, so its function cannot be inferred from other proteins. Since MANF is induced by ATF6, is ER-localized, and contains a conserved redox-sensitive motif found in PDIs, we hypothesized that MANF is a redox-sensitive chaperone that optimizes cardiomyocyte viability during ischemia. Methods: The redox status of MANF during reductive ER stress and the ability of MANF to bind misfolded proteins during ischemia were assessed in neonatal rat ventricular myocytes (NRVM). The ability of recombinant MANF to suppress aggregation of misfolded proteins was examined in an in vitro chaperone assay. Finally, the effects of MANF loss-of-function in the ischemic heart, in vivo , were determined by generating a transgenic mouse model that expresses a cardiomyocyte-specific MANF-targeted microRNA. Results: In NRVM subjected to ER stress MANF was as sensitive to changes in ER redox status as the sentinel PDI, PDIA1. Moreover, MANF formed disulfide-linked complexes with misfolded proteins during ischemia-mediated ER stress. Under reducing conditions, recombinant MANF suppressed aggregation of model misfolded proteins, in vitro . MANF knockdown in the heart, in vivo , increased damage from myocardial infarction, and an AAV9-based gene therapy approach rescued the effects of MANF deficiency, in vivo. Conclusions: MANF is a redox-sensitive SR/ER-resident chaperone that is a critical contributor to SR/ER protein folding during the adaptive ER stress response and decreases tissue damage in the ischemic heart.

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