
Introduction: Hypertension (HTN) is an insidious condition that affects many Americans. This quality improvement initiative evaluated the effectiveness of HTN management through a Self-Measured Blood Pressure (SMBP) monitoring tool through Check.Change.Control® (CCC). Hypothesis: To implement CCC and evaluate the impact on blood pressure throughout rural primary care clinics and wellness clinics over a six month period. This initiative assessed barriers for patients to adhere to medication regimen and barriers for providers to engage in patients’ HTN management. Methods: This initiative used CCC data to evaluate blood pressure changes and trends. Survey monkey were used to assess and evaluate patients and providers barriers for HTN management. Results: The sample included 208 adults with diagnosis of HTN with medication regimen. Regular tool use resulted in 76% reporting BP equal or less than 140/90. Compliance with medication regimens improved to 79.23%. The overall mean reduction in systolic was -11.3 mm Hg and diastolic was –9.7 mm Hg. Barriers reported through surveys included forgetting to take medication (5%) and forgetting to pick up medication from the pharmacy (2%). Most survey respondents (89.97%) agreed that text message reminders helped them be compliant.Thirty-six percent of providers and clinical staff cited time as a limiting factor for enrolling patients; providers reported one third of patients (33%) cited lack of interest in the program as the barrier for enrollment. 87.67% of respondents asserted CCC was helpful in managing hypertensive patients and foresee continuing using the tool. Conclusions: This quality improvement initiative showed how the addition of CCC can aid improve compliance with medication regimens and blood pressure management. Technology empowered patients to better manage their HTN. High acceptance of the tool among providers, volunteers, and participants facilitated the connection between community, work, and healthcare organizations to improve HTN management. Future efforts should focus on creating and implementing initiatives to help reduce barriers for HTN management.

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