
Introduction: Functional tricuspid regurgitation (TR) caused by chronic atrial fibrillation with structurally normal tricuspid valve (TV) leaflets, normal right ventricular (RV) function, and dilated right atrium (RA), is considered as a new clinical entity, atrial functional TR (AF-TR). We sought to investigate TV geometry and right heart remodeling in AF-TR compared with ventricular functional TR with sinus rhythm (VF-TR). Methods: Transesophageal 3D echocardiography datasets of the TV and the RV were acquired in 51 symptomatic severe TR. 3D RV endocardial surfaces were reconstructed throughout the cardiac cycle and then postprocessed using semiautomated integration and segmentation software to calculate position of papillary muscle (PM) tips (Figure). Results: Compared with VF-TR, AF-TR had more dilated and posteriorly displaced annulus and less leaflet tethering angles with more prominent right atrium and smaller RV end-systolic volume. On the XY (annular) plane, the center of annulus was getting closer towards the anterior and posterior PM tips and was going away from the medial PM tip caused by prominent annular dilatation in AF-TR. On the Z axis, the position of each PM tip in AF-TR was not so much displaced apically as that in VF-TR. Multiple linear regression analyses revealed that right atrial volume and right atrial/RV end-systolic volume ratio were determinants of annular area and orientation in AF-TR, respectively (both P <0.001). Additionally, the posteromedial directed component of posterior PM tip position and the apically directed component of the position of all 3 PM tips were independently associated with TV tethering angles of each leaflet in AF-TR (all P <0.02). In subgroup analysis, massive to torrential AF-TR had a larger RV volume with more apically displaced PM tips than severe AF-TR. Conclusion: Right heart remodeling and its association with TV geometry differ between AF-TR and VF-TR, which offers distinctive therapeutic implications.

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