
Introduction: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disorder that can affect any organ. However, myocardial involvement is uncommon and rarely presents as the initial manifestation of SLE. Case: We present a case involving a 31-year-old male with no past medical history who presented to the emergency department with chest pain, fatigue, and intermittent swelling in his hands and feet. Initial workup was remarkable for high sensitivity troponin of 11, 821 and respiratory viral panel positive for parainfluenza. Results: Evaluation with left heart catheterization showed no obstructive coronary artery disease thus a cardiac MRI was obtained for further investigation. It showed late gadolinium enhancement involving the lateral apical wall extending to the apex as well as the lateral wall at the base (figure 1). The initial diagnosis was suspected to be viral-induced myopericarditis. However, he started developing accelerated acute kidney injury out of proportion to the current clinical presentation leading us to pursue rheumatological workup as it could explain the cardiac and renal pathologies. He was found to have ANA >= 1:2560, positive dsDNA, and positive anti-smith antibody. Kidney biopsy revealed diffuse spike formation on the glomerular basement membrane and focal endocapillary proliferation and segmental sclerosis consistent with lupus nephritis. He was started on prednisone and mycophenolate mofetil resulting in symptom and disease control. Conclusion: Myocardial involvement of SLE is uncommon and can be a life-threatening condition in the acute phase; however, the disease has an overall good prognosis with early treatment.

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