
Introduction : Stroke is a leading cause of morbidity, mortality and healthcare spending in the United States. Acute management of ischemic stroke is time‐dependent and evidence suggests improved clinical outcomes for patients treated at designated certified stroke centers. There is an increasing trend among hospitals to obtain certification as designated stroke centers. A common source or integrated tool providing both information and location of all available stroke centers in the US irrespective of the certifying organization is not readily available. The objective of our research is to generate a comprehensive and interactive electronic resource with combined data on all geographically‐coded certified stroke centers to assist in pre‐hospital triage and study healthcare disparities in stroke including availability and access to acute stroke care by location and population. Methods : Data on stroke center certification was primarily obtained from each of the three main certifying organizations: The Joint Commission (TJC), Det Norske Veritas (DNV) and Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program (HFAP). Geographic mapping of all stroke center locations was performed using the ArcGIS Pro application. The most current data on stroke centers is presented in an interactive electronic format and the information is frequently updated to represent newly certified centers. Utility of the tool and its analytics are shown. Role of the tool in improving pre‐hospital triage in the stroke systems of care, studying healthcare disparities and implications for public health policy are discussed. Results : Aggregate data analysis at the time of submission revealed 1,806 total certified stroke centers. TJC‐certified stroke centers represent the majority with 106 Acute Stroke Ready (ASR), 1,040 Primary Stroke Centers (PSCs), 49 Thrombectomy Capable Centers (TSCs) and 197 Comprehensive Stroke Centers (CSCs). A total of 341 DNV‐certified programs including 36 ASRs, 162 PSCs, 16 PSC Plus (thrombectomy capable) and 127 CSCs were identified. HFAP‐certified centers (75) include 16 ASRs, 49 PSCs, 2 TSCs and 8 CSCs. A preliminary map of all TJC‐certified CSCs and TSCs is shown in the figure (1). Geospatial analysis reveals distinct areas with currently limited access to certified stroke centers and currently, access to certified stroke centers is extremely limited to non‐existent in fe States (for example: Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, New Mexico and South Dakota). Conclusions : Stroke treatment and clinical outcomes are time‐dependent and prompt assessment and triage by EMS directly to appropriate designated stroke centers is therefore critical. A readily available electronic platform providing location and treatment capability for all nearby certified centers will enhance regional stroke systems of care, including enabling more rapid inter‐hospital transfers for advanced intervention. Identifying geographic areas of limited access to treatment can also help improve policy and prioritize the creation of a more equitable and well‐distributed network of stroke care in the United States.

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