
Introduction: Rupture of an aortic aneurysm into the right atrium (RA) is extremely rare, while rupture into the thoracic cavity or pericardial sac is a common fatal complication. We describe a case of acute heart failure due to rupture of an aortic pseudoaneurysm with aorta-right atrial fistula. Case Summary: A 73-year-old man presented to the emergency department with dyspnea and abdominal distention. He had a history of ascending aortic replacement for type A aortic dissection 18 years ago. On arrival, physical examination revealed diminished breath sounds, leg edema but no cardiac murmurs. Investigations demonstrated abnormality of hepatic and kidney function, elevated BNP (490.9 pg/ml) in blood exam, and enlargement of ascending aortic aneurysm at the proximal anastomotic site with ascites/pleural effusion on computed tomography (CT), while left ventricular function was normal on transthoracic echocardiogram. We diagnosed acute heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and started to reduce fluid using diuretics. However, the response to diuretics was not good and the progression of lactic acidosis was observed regardless of using cardiotonic agent. Since it was becoming difficult to maintain systemic circulation, we performed further investigations before introducing mechanical support. The pulmonary artery catheterization revealed elevated RA pressure with wide pulse pressure (38/12 mmHg) and Oxygen step up in RA. An aortic root angiogram, contrast-enhanced CT and transesophageal echocardiogram showed a rupture of aortic pseudoaneurysm complicated with aorta-right atrial fistula (Figure). Although emergent surgery was performed, he unfortunately died the following day. Conclusions: This is a rare case of intracardiac perforation of aortic aneurysm diagnosed by various modalities. We should consider the possibility of developing shunt disease when we meet patients with rapidly progressive circulatory failure unresponsive to drugs.

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