
CaMKII is associated with hypertrophy, heart failure and alters intracellular Ca homeostasis. An increased SR Ca leak due to phosphorylation of SR Ca release channels by CaMKII leads to decreased SR Ca content and impaired contractility. This loss of Ca from the SR may also contribute to arrhythmias. We investigated whether β-adrenergic stimulation with isoproterenol (ISO) normalizes SR Ca content and whether inhibiting CaMKII reduces arrhythmias. CaMKII-overexpressing rabbit and mouse myocytes were investigated. Cell shortening, Ca fluorescence (fluo-3) and the incidence of arrhythmias were assessed. An arrhythmia-score differentiated between: early-spike-arrhythmias (ESA), late-spike-arrhythmias (LSA) and permanent arrhythmias (PA). ISO (37°C) had significantly different effects on myocytes with acute (24 h, rabbit, n=34) or chronic (22 w, mouse, n=34) CaMKII overexpression vs corresponding control myocytes (LacZ, n=21 or WT n=34). CaMKII overexpression lead to an ISO concentration-dependent (10 −10 -10 −5 mol/L) inotropic but compared to WT (or LacZ, respectively) impaired shortening and Ca transients (two-way ANOVA, P <0.05). A similar difference between CaMKII-overexpressing (n=17) and WT (n=19) myocytes was also seen during a shortening-frequency protocol (stepwise increase from 0.1– 4 Hz, two-way ANOVA, P <0.05). Arrhythmias spontaneously occurred in CaMKII-overexpressing mouse myocytes. With β-inotropic stimulation (10 −6 mol/L ISO) arrhythmias were increased 6.4-fold. Appearance of ESA and PA could be significantly reduced by KN-93 (1 μmol/L). At a basal stimulation rate of 1 Hz and 10 −7 mol/L ISO, PA could be dramatically reduced by half from control-level 21.43% (KN-92, inactive derivative, n=42) down to 10.87% (KN-93, n=46) arrhythmic events. ESA could be reduced almost 4-fold from 16.67% (KN-92) to 4.35% in the presence of KN-93. We conclude from these data that increasing ISO concentrations exerts positive inotropic effects but cannot normalize altered Ca handling in CaMKII-overexpressing myocytes. This may be due to an increased SR Ca leak under these conditions thus contributing to the arrhythmias observed. CaMKII inhibition clearly can reduce arrhythmias in the presence of β-adrenergic stimulation with ISO.

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