
Introduction: The use of statins in patients (pts) with heart failure (HF) is controversial. In patients without HF, statins reduce the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), including HF-related events. In contrast, no benefit was observed in statin-treated HF pts in the CORONA and GISSI-HF trials. However, issues with generalizability may limit the applicability of these trial results in clinical practice. Therefore, we analyzed the impact of statin therapy in systolic HF pts in a large real-world experience. Methods: We searched Intermountain Healthcare medical records for pts with a diagnosis of HF and a reported ejection fraction of <=40%. We compared outcomes (MACE=death, MI, stroke) at a median of 4.5 years follow-up in those who were and were not prescribed a statin. Statin use was defined as use at or after a HF diagnosis but prior to 60-days before MACE or end of follow-up. Cox hazard regression analysis was used to determine hazard ratios. Results: A total of 15,010 pts were studied. Baseline demographics and outcomes are shown in the Table. Statin use was associated with more frequent ASCVD risk factors yet a lower MACE risk during follow-up. Benefit was similar for primary and secondary prevention pts and for prior and new statin prescriptions. By time-varying hazard ratio (HR) analysis, the longer the pt was on a statin, the greater the reduction in risk of MACE (p<0.0001). Conclusion: These results suggest a potential benefit of selective statin use in the real-world management of HF pts with ASCVD or at high-ASCVD risk. These novel observations deserve validation in additional real-world experiences.

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