
A technique using the broadband emission of a laser plume as probe radiation is applied to record UV-visible (190-510 nm) absorption spectra of Ne, Ar, and Kr, pure and in binary mixtures under moderate e-beam excitation up to 1 MW/cm(3). In all the rare gases and mixtures, the absorption spectra show continuum related to Rg(2) (+) homonuclear ions [peaking at λ∼285, 295, and 320 nm in Ne, Ar, and Kr(Ar/Kr), respectively] and a number of atomic lines related mainly to Rg(∗)(ms) levels, where m is the lowest principal quantum number of the valence electron. In argon, a continuum related to Ar(2) (∗) (λ∼325 nm) is also recorded. There are also trains of narrow bands corresponding to Rg(2) (∗)(npπ (3)Π(g))←Rg(2) (∗)(msσ (3)Σ(u) (+)) transitions. All the spectral features mentioned above were reported in literature but have never been observed simultaneously. Although charge transfer to a homonuclear ion of the heavier additive is commonly believed to dominate in binary rare-gas mixtures, it is found in this study that in Ne/Kr mixture, the charge is finally transferred from the buffer gas Ne(2) (+) ion not to Kr(2) (+) but to heteronuclear NeKr(+) ion.

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